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Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang, 이 곳 은 귀양 시 화 계 구 소 하 에 위치 하고 가장 가 까 운 관광지 화 계 공원 에서 차 로 약 30 분 거리 에 있 으 며 귀하 가 관광 휴가 비 즈 니스 출장 을 갈 때 가장 좋 은 곳 입 니 다.이 는 심 천 그 랜 드 호텔 관리 유한 공사 의 투자 경영 관리 로 식당, 숙박, 연 회 를 하나 로 모인 고급 비 즈 니스 호텔 이다.'훌륭 한 서비스, 행복 을 창조 하 라' 는 사명 을 지 키 고 완벽 한 서비스 로 귀하 께 완벽 한 여행 생활 체험 을 가 져 다 드 리 겠 습 니 다.
[자세한 소개]
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  • 이 호텔은 Guiyang Airport 에서 얼마나 떨어져 있습니까?

    공항에서 Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 8.3km.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 은(는) 공항 셔틀을 운행합니까?

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  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 의 체크인 & 체크아웃 시간은 어떻게 되나요?

    체크인 시간은 14:00이후, 체크아웃 시간은 12:00이전.

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    네, 이 호텔에는 수영장과 체육관 있습니다 과 피트니스 센터. 수영장 및 다른 시설에 대한 상세 내용은 이 페이지에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 내에 레스토랑이 있나요?

    네, 호텔에서 먹을 수 있습니다.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 광대역 또는 Wi-Fi가 있습니까?

    예, 자세한 내용은 호텔 프런트 데스크에 문의하십시오.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 선불로 결제 하시겠습니까?

    저희에게 연락하기 전에 주문을 제출하십시오.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 신용카드로 결제하실 수 있으며?

    아니요, 호텔은받지 않습니다.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 의 아침 식사는 얼마입니까?

    식사 CNY50 / 사람.

  • Grand Skylight International Hotel Guiyang 의 숙박 요금은 얼마인가요?

    집값에서 CNY519 위안이, 숙박 날짜나 호텔 정책 등에 따라 숙박 요금이 달라질 수 있습니다.

고객 후기 더
  • e00829221
    The environment is very good and the traffic is not very convenient
  • pangyubi
  • sam52
    Room is good, location is not ideal. Night barbecue stand. Next to a rice noodle shop is not bad
  • llin318
    The surrounding streets are under maintenance. It's hard to walk. Is the truck parking outside the window a landscape?
  • fanyatman
    Reasonable price, easy location, relatively quiet.
  • liu124736389
    The room was also very clean, the variety of breakfast was ok, and the service attitude was also very good. The hotel is located in the new area. It is convenient to get on the expressway, but it is difficult to find the hotel. At the same time, it is repairing the subway and closing the road. It is super far to the downtown business district.
  • elain8888
    At present, it is not convenient to build rail transit outside. It's quiet inside. It's good to park
  • e00097626
    Pretty good overall
  • andison2
    The price is seriously inconsistent with the hotel environment.
  • cici8520
  • aovnova
    Garbage service in garbage
  • ttcrw
    The front desk service of the hotel is very good, the environment and facilities of the hotel are also very good, and the hygiene is also very clean, but the location is a bit off center
  • appleworm
    Although the surrounding roads are being reconstructed, it is still necessary to inform the traffic in advance, and the reconstruction can not be completed in a few months. It is suggested that the booking customers inform the surrounding roads in advance, so as not to affect the check-in, especially when the service attitude of Guiyang taxi is relatively general.
  • coldwind
    The price is OK, so is the hotel. It's not far from the airport. Transfer.
  • Eminemsand
    The software (service) is good, and the hardware conditions are average. Generally acceptable. Several shortcomings are mentioned: it is inconvenient to get up at night without a separate control switch of night light; The bathroom is too small, but there is no room for clothes.
  • dajiangjun51
    Repair the subway, so the surrounding environment is poor. Bathroom design is not easy. Everything else is very good
  • benjemin1982
    The hotel is very good, cost-effective, but the surrounding road environment is not good!
  • Cinderala4b
    not bad
  • jtmcs
    Go from Huangguoshu to Libo and choose Guiyang hotel for one night. The subway is being built outside the hotel, so the environment is very chaotic, but the interior of the hotel is very new. It can be imagined that the outside of the hotel is still very lively before the subway is built, and it is very convenient to go up the elevated.
  • cyx7892
    The hotel is clean and shopping around is convenient!
  • gwen0706
    The hotel is relatively new, but the location is relatively biased. The subway is being built around. The front desk of the hotel is OK. Those who see guests at the door are like they don't see anything. They don't smile or open the door
  • life1266
    The room is clean and tidy, the front desk and restaurant staff are polite, there are not many choices for breakfast, but the taste is pretty good. The room is tasteless and worth recommending.
  • liuyiting623
    The hotel has complete facilities and excellent service attitude!
  • dongeastony
    The hotel environment is quiet and the service is commendable. If you need accommodation to handle business nearby, this hotel is still a good choice
  • polywu
    The lobby was dark at night. I met such a hotel for the first time
  • dengpi
    The location is relatively biased, the environment, price and service are very good. It's more suitable to stay in Huaxi. However, if you want to go to the urban area, you have to drive for half a day. The key is that Guizhou is still very congested!
  • Gary Ge
    The location of the hotel is good, but the surrounding environment is general, and the cost performance is OK.
  • tanyanbo1101
  • gloria4cn
    Yes, the road building hotel nearby doesn't feel very energetic
  • lwd38100
  • aderson
  • taosiwei2010
    Good, good. I'll stay here next time
  • piscator
    Very good ~ not far downstairs is the big stall barbecue, very happy!
  • allw520
    Good service attitude
  • cyy1992
    The facilities are very good
  • marypan
    Overall, it's good. The room is big and the bed is comfortable. It's a little noisy to repair the subway next to it.
  • cj58337735
    That's good. Pretty good. Good ah.
  • jdy88
    The room was clean and comfortable, the service was friendly and up to standard. Worth recommending!
  • Carinaying
    Not bad, but the traffic is not very convenient. It's generally good.
  • taitiger
    It's an old brand. It's really good. The service is also very good. The room is big enough
  • lldjuer
    Everything is pretty good, but the subway is being built around. It's a little messy
  • luson
    very nice
  • p1968
    Second check-in, good.
  • llingmo
    not bad
  • e02318681
    The surrounding environment of the hotel is dirty, messy and poor. It's like a big construction site. The night before, I rented a business car from the hotel for 1300 yuan and 9 hours. When I wanted to use the car the next morning, I said that the price rose to 1600 yuan plus Road and Bridge tolls; Check out that there is a room Towel Wash not clean to charge 55 yuan a piece; Every day when eating breakfast, the waiter chases behind the buttocks, asks the room number and signs, so that the pouring of a glass of water is not slow. I feel very bad!
    Nice hotel
  • wenja007
    The hotel is very good. It was originally an ordinary room. When I arrived at the hotel, I was told that it would be upgraded to a luxury room free of charge. The room was big, clean, and the breakfast was rich. It was an unforgettable journey.
  • flsuperm
    Great check-in experience! Hotel front desk and doorman, floor attendants, restaurant attendants are well-trained, very friendly. The room facilities are very new and tasteless. It's been one or two years since it was opened. The integrity and cleanliness of Gao Shi are very good. Every room will send a box of milk every day, I feel it is more attentive, with a very low cost to give you a good feeling. Gran Yuntian's room type is optimized well, with convenient use of sockets and switches, and reasonable lighting design.
  • tyfo125
    The hotel is very good
  • e02456398
    very good??
  • jinlan3010
    Good hardware
  • carefen2691
    Yes, very good, very comfortable.
  • asyy00
    Overall, I think it's pretty good. The road conditions around are relatively poor. There are too few parking spaces in the ground parking lot, and many of them are occupied.
  • WO..DE
    not bad
  • e02695074
  • e01577353
    not bad not bad Very good! The service was of a very high standard.
  • jbn320111txl
    The service was very good, because the road was not convenient. The room is clean.
  • sabrina4887
    that's OK
  • Bayer
    All aspects are very general!
  • jiangxiao3861
    The hotel facilities are very new and the breakfast variety is also very rich. It's just that the subway is being repaired outside, which is a little messy.